I’m typing this in the FM 94/9 studio, playing the new Fiona Apple song on the radio, thinking about how far my little family has come in the past five years, and how grateful I am to have had so many great resources online to help me navigate the wild world of first-time parenting. From Ask Moxie to Parent Hacks to Rookie Moms, there are some websites out there that have helped me hold onto my sanity more than once as I stayed up late, Googling whatever challenge was presenting itself that night. But I have yet to find a parenting website that is both extremely helpful and San Diego-centric, so when I was asked to be a part of MySDMoms.com, I jumped at the chance. To have a website that is local, and reassuring, and full of good information – that is a win, all the way around.
So on that note, welcome! My name is Hilary, I am the midday DJ of FM 94.9 here in San Diego and I’m wife to the awesome J and mom to a super-awesome-while-also-being-precocious-and-challenging 5 year old daughter who I will call by her first initial, F. We have come a long way in the past 5 years, and over the life of this blog, I’m going to dig in and share it all. I’ll open up and tell you about my struggles as well as all the good stuff, and let me tell you: the older she has gotten (and the more experience as a parent I’ve gotten) the easier and better and more fun it gets. I follow plenty of “mom (and dad) blogs” and am excited to share links here to some of the best stuff about parenting that I come across online. And we’ll have guest bloggers here too, Tammy from KSON (who could teach us all a thing or two about parenting), and Steph (also from KSON) who is pregnant with her first! So exciting. Finally, we look forward to hearing from you and would love for you to use this as a forum to share what’s happening with you on this adventure we call parenting too. Until then…