My husband and I are getting ready to leave in a couple of days and we’ll be gone for a week. Although we’ll be working, we will have some time to sight-see (we will be in Philadelphia); I’m excited because this is our first time taking a trip since our honeymoon three years ago! We have traveled north to Orange County for a day or two here and there but never long enough where I was concerned about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Traveling (especially during the upcoming holiday season) can really throw off even the best-laid plans. Especially when you add airports and little sleep into the mix and suddenly that well-intentioned apple in your purse doesn’t stand a chance against the McDonald’s Express! Add to that tired, hungry kiddos and you are definitely outnumbered!
I’d like to share my favorite ways to stay “in the zone” while traveling and I hope that a few of these will be key for you the next time you are navigating unknown territory…
- Don’t expect to find healthy food in the airport. I a friend who is constantly traveling and constantly putting up Instagram photos of all the healthy foods she finds in various airports. I roll my eyes. You know what sells in airports? Starbucks. Period. And maybe trail mix. With that in mind, shout for joy if you find a green juice or a non-shady place to get sushi, but just in case, do yourself a favor and bring some good stuff. If you are a green juice lover like me, freeze it the night before and bring it with you in the morning. Just be sure you drink it before you hit security if you’re flying!
- Don’t eat on the plane. Really. The high altitude really messes with digestion and you will leave feeling bloated and constipated. That’s not a fun way to start any trip. Have water, herbal tea, mints if you must… but do your best to eat before you board.
- Do some research ahead of time. Google and Groupon can be your best friends! Find a good juice/smoothie/coffee bar and start your day out right. Eat lightly during the day (especially if you will be doing a lot of walking and sightseeing) so stick to salads and fresh fruit. Map out a few places before you go and take advantage of the locals-ask them where they like to eat!
- Above all, enjoy yourself. Don’t get too lost following the rules. Please do make time to try amazing restaurants, local creameries, that famous taco truck you’ve only read about. Just do everything mindfully. Sit down to eat. Breathe. Give thanks that you’re in a new place.
- If all else fails…bring an enema bag. Yes, you read that right. Try to stop laughing for just a moment and hear me out! On my honeymoon I was so miserable from the flight and the rich food that I resorted to laxatives a few days in. Never again! I learned my lesson. I know us girls don’t talk about this subject very openly, but I’m not shy and let’s face it-I know most of you are nodding your heads at this right now. Women get constipated easily. Don’t let that ruin a good time. Enough said.
I hope that these tips resonate with you. I’ll be sure to share how I did following my own advice next week when I return. In the meantime, I’d love to hear how you all travel and what works/what doesn’t. Please comment below!
[Morgan Torres Blog Tag]