The first questions all pregnant women get: How are you feeling? Any cravings? At first, I didn’t realize any cravings, and then I was buying candy, ice cream, cookies….so I guess my answer is…yes more sweets please!
On my birthday my friends gave me the best birthday present for pregnant women… A HUGE CHOCOLATE BUNNY! I ate the ears first and I’m working my way down. Now the bunny just sits there while I try to ignore my craving to eat the rest of it. All that sugar is not good for me or the baby. How do I stay away from this sweet tooth?!
The headless bunny now taunts me, its kinda scary looking now! It’s a safety net right now, I need to try a whole day with no sweets…starting tomorrow! I just ate some Junior Mints, I can’t escape my sweet tooth… The next step is to reach my goal little by little, one day without sweets. How do you keep a handle on your cravings? Especially the unhealthy cravings?