I braced myself for crying, wiggling, and/or screaming during Bryce’s first haircut. Everyone told me to expect the worse. My plan of attack: make sure he was fed and it wasn’t near nap time. It worked! He actually laughed, sat still, and had a great first haircut experience!
He sat on the chair all by himself while the stylist cut his long curls. Seeing us all in the big mirror and being able to hold a spray bottle kept him occupied. The stylist was a sweet woman and made sure he kept having fun with her spray bottle. If he would look up at her, I would distract him with my cell phone by taking more photos.
Towards the end of the hair cut, the one thing that he didn’t care for was the hair blow dryer. The stylist was great and would use the dryer on herself so he could see what it was and that it wouldn’t hurt him. We just needed to get all that hair off of him since he didn’t want to wear the haircut bib. He held onto a comb the whole time she used the dryer and then we were done!
Now the question is: where do I put these hair clippings? At first I told her I didn’t care for any, but she kept some just incase I change my mind. I am glad she kept some of the curls, but I don’t know what to do with them. Put in an envelope and keep in his memory box like my mom did for me? I do not scrapbook, heck I still have have 700 photos to still put in albums!