Good thing I’m not a picky eater. Being a mom of 2 now, I am drinking cold coffee and eating cold food every day. I wake up before both babies to make the coffee and just as I’m about to sit down and take a sip and enjoy the silence, I hear one of them crying. I actually am thankful that it’s just one and not both crying at the same time. I go get my 18 month old changed, fed, and then make myself a bowl of cereal. As I sit down to eat my cereal, the other baby wakes up. I set down the bowl of cereal and go get the newborn baby ready for the day. This means breastfeeding, which typically takes 20 minutes of feeding and burping, and soggy cereal. I think I need to start making toast; then I can eat that one handed while feeding her!
My husband is now getting up, so I hand him one of the babies. Should I finish my breakfast or jump in the shower while I can? I take a big sip of the cold coffee and jump in the shower. The babies are still calm so I make something else to eat and dump my soggy cereal down the sink. I eat breakfast finally while watching one of our recorded TV shows. We have to pause and rewind the show several times while we respond to our son playing with toys, throwing toys, spilling his water, yelling at the top of his lungs for no reason, etc. Then there is the newborn who wants to be held, burped, try to lay her down, she lays down, then cries, burp, diaper change, breast feeding, etc.
This happens again for lunch, snack time, and dinner as we get closer and closer to 8pm. Time to get everyone ready for bed and give mommy some quiet time! Both babies are sound asleep so I enjoy this time with something I’m happy is cold…a cold beer!