We found this neat article at Early Childhood New.com.
No matter where you and your family travel for vacation, time away from the everyday routine will lead to new learning adventures for your young children.
Visiting new places, meeting new people and trying new things away from home are all part of the learning process for children, especially for those under the age of five. Getting the most out of your journey requires some planning, not only to help avoid boredom and whining, but to encourage different ways of thinking and looking at the world. With the proper planning, family vacations can be a wonderful opportunity to promote positive social interactions among family members.
For most parents, the most dreaded part of any vacation is getting there. Hours spent in airports, in the car, on the plane or in the train can feel like days without proper planning.
But, if organized correctly, this family time can be well spent with activities and games designed especially to enlighten and educate young travelers. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your family vacation: