A number of parents in our program are concerned about their child’s binkie habit. Some of the parents want our help in trying to wean their child away from their comfort items. How do we

explain to parents why binkies, blankies, and bottles are important to their child? While we support children having comfort items, do you have any suggestions for organizing, and what do you do if a parent insists on breaking a child’s habit?
Infants and toddlers often become attached to objects such as pacifiers, blankets, and bottles, especially when they are in some type of child care program. Long hours of separation from the comfort of their parents and their home can leave some infants and toddlers fearful and anxious. The most critical factor in a child’s life is the attachment he makes to other human beings; the ability to bond will affect him for his lifetime. A child may begin to form close bonds with caregivers but even in the best program, there is usually a high rate of turnover for teachers. Imagine the sense of loss and abandonment some children must feel when such critical aspects of their lives keep changing. It is for these reasons that children often become attached to their binkies, blankies, and bottles.