According to the Denver Post, Della Curry, 35, was the Cherry Creek School District’s kitchen manager. She says she would often see students crying because of hunger and no lunch money. So instead of letting them go hungry, she would pay for lunches out of her own pocket or let them have it for free. When this was discovered, Curry was let go.
After losing her job, Curry started a Facebook page dedicated to changing laws and policies about school lunches called “No Child Goes Hungry.”
“It’s time to make school lunch an integral and included part of every child’s school day,” she wrote on the page.
Della Curry – image: CBSNews/KCNC-TV
The district does have a free lunch program, but it is only for children who meet federal income guidelines. The district wouldn’t comment on why it fired Curry, but it released a statement saying, “The law does not require the school district to provide a meal to children who have forgotten their lunch money.”
“It is policy to never give out free food … that is all fine and dandy until you have little kids not on the free and reduced program and their account goes negative,” Curry told theDenver Post.
To qualify for free lunch, a family of four can’t make more than $31,000. If a student can’t pay for the food, the school will provide a cheese sandwich.