Have you ever been so tired that you don’t even remember what day it is, or how you even go there? That tends to happen when children become part of your life’s equation.
When you were younger, carefree and childless hittimg the clubs, traveling, setting the world on fire making your millions – did you ever think for one second that you’d put sleep before any of that – especially before sex! Yea right…sleep before sex. You would have thought anyone who said so was crazy right? Well now you know what all of those people with children were taking about now that you have a child. Sleep…oh preciaous sleep. When you have a newborn baby it’s worth more than gold. All you can fantasize about is getting a hotel room someplace and slepping in that warm, comfy bed. No pool, no going out…just sleep.
Dr. Harvey Karp, author of the celebrated parent guide The Happiest Baby on the Block states “Sleep deprivation is the top challenge for families, say 62 percent of the parents surveyed – more so than lack of time (48 percent), money (34 percent), or sex (26 percent). Sleep is the main thing parents miss from their pre-child life, more than time for themselves or sex.” Parent’s average about 5.5 hrs. sleep per night. More than 3/4 of them have not slept a solid 8 hrs. in months.
In the first few months couples are more focused on the baby than themselves. It’s fun at first, but then real life stressors start to set in. Couple that with a serious lack of sleep for both parents and you have got a problem. That’s when the aruing starts, and the lack of attention towards one another – especially when both parents need to return to work after materanty leave. Now you have childcare to worrry about which equates to more bills. It is so important to reconnect with your spouse during this timem, making adjustments along the way. The most important thing is communication. Good communication is the key.
There are things that you can do along the way to help deal with this new lifestyle. Don’t be shy about asking family and friends for help. Most people are more than happy to lend a helping hand. Usually you can’t keep the Grandparents away! Also take turns sleeping. Make arrangements so that you alternate nights when one of you get up and the other one gets to sleep. Unfortunately for the mommy breast feeding cannot be done by dad, but you can pump and have dad feed at night.
For other ideas, Read the full article from Cision PR Newsletter.