Am I the only one that remembers making Thanksgiving centerpieces in elementary school every year? I don’t know why but I loved making one every single year. My mom would make sure it always had a prominent place at the Thanksgiving table. I feel like this is a tradition that has fallen out of popularity so I am doing my part to bring it back! Below are some fun Thanksgiving centerpieces your kids can easily put together at home:
A Centerpiece That is Also an Activity
If you’ve got a kid that gets bored at the dinner table this is a perfect solution. They can make this centerpiece that also doubles as a coloring activity to do while eating. Plus, free print-outs are always a plus!
Origami Turkey
I think this is something I made SEVERAL times for Thanksgiving centerpieces as a kid. You can never go wrong with a origami turkey! You could even make one for each guest.
Thankful Tree
Remembering to be thankful is an important part of Thanksgiving and this tree is a great way to do just that. This is a great craft for the whole family to be a part of to celebrate the holiday.
A Tabletop Turkey Craft
This article from has a lot of great ideas for easy crafts for the kids, but my favorite is the turkey made from a cup. This is so easy that my 3-year-old could probably do it if everything is cut out. In fact, I think this might be his centerpiece this year!
Reese’s Pieces Turkey
This will be by far the best tasting centerpiece on your table! Simply turn a bowl of everyone’s favorite candy into a turkey for a delicious decoration.
Autumn Leaf Mason Jar
This one might be more for your old kids. This is an easy way to turn leaves into beautiful centerpieces for your table. We might not have too many leaves lying around San Diego right now, but that’s why we always have Michael’s!
What is your favorite Thanksgiving centerpiece your kid has put together?