Our little man Walt is going into his first day of pre-school this week. We’re a little nervous, so I took to the KSON Facebook page to get advice from parents on what they wish they knew before sending their kid to school for the first time. There were so many great insights that I wanted to share them here:
There WILL Be Tears
“Also if there’s tears give a hug give a kiss and pass to the teacher…. The longer you stay if he’s crying the harder it is for you both.” Kerry
This was the number one comment I got. It’s going to be a hard change, especially for us since Walt has been at home for almost two years now because of COVID. I don’t know who is going to cry more, him or us. My money is on us…
Backup Plans
“I wish I knew that despite paying for full time daycare there would still be 10 million reasons I would need to miss work due to sick kids, doctors apts,etc (3 kids in daycare so always something). I wish I had gone into it knowing I would need a backup plan.” – Debby
With kids, you always expect the unexpected, so this piece of advice is REALLY helpful!
Be Prepared the Morning Before
“And the best thing was having a space for shoes and socks and backpacks- a landing/prep zone made mornings so much easier… having things laid out the night before.” – Rebekah
This one was SO great I immediately started working on it that day! I always have my clothes laid out the night before, I love the idea of making sure it is done for my child too!
The Runny Nose Is Coming!
“He’ll be sick every other week for the next 6 months. It’s a good thing though because when they hit kindergarten, they’ve already had most of what will be passed around.” Jerel
This was the second most comment I got and it was something I didn’t think about. Obviously, I had COVID on my mind because of everything going on but I totally forgot about the common cold and everything else kids get at school. Oh boy! Stocking up on the cold and flu medicine for kids now!
Straight From a Caregiver
“As a director of a daycare:
1. There will be tears and they’ll probably be more of yours than his. But wait until you leave to cry.
2. Make it exciting the weeks leading up to it. Get him a little backpack. Do a drive by of the school so he can see it.
3. Day 1 he may go straight in, no tears. Day 2- whenever (every child adjusts differently) he might cry because the realization you’re leaving and he has to stay all day will hit.
4. He’ll be very tired the first few nights.
5. Enjoy the process… it’s school and he’ll love it” Shannon
The BEST Advice of All
“Mom who raised 6 kids here.
First don’t over think it.” Roberta
I am absolutely guilty of overthinking things, especially when it comes to my little man. So this advice is something I am going to have to tell myself daily. He’s going to be okay. Stop worrying so much!
Wish us luck…