It’s going to be a wet MLK weekend in San Diego as rain is forecasted for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. So while you may have been planning to go out and enjoy the 3-day weekend, it is time to start planning some indoor activities. Here are some ideas to keep the kids entertained this weekend:
Have a bake-off!
If your kid is missing the holidays and all the baking, this is a perfect opportunity to bring that back. Let your holder kids take over the kitchen and see what they can come up with. They’ll enjoy the freedom and (hopefully) you’ll enjoy the inventive creations they make. With your younger kids, let them pick out what they would like and help them make their favorite cookie or pastry. Either way, you all win with some fresh and delicious desserts!
Create a yarn obstacle course
This is great to help release that energy your kid has pent up. Take some leftover yarn and tie it from various places down a hallway or other room so that it resembles the lasers you would see in a Mission: Impossible movie. Let your kids take turns seeing who can get through the lasers without touching them the fastest. If they hit one they have to start all over.
Fun outside the home
Remember, there are still a lot of places with indoor spaces that will keep you out of the rain. While they might be a little busier than usual, this would be a great time to check out a bowling alley, arcade, museum or even spend some time at the library. Try to find a place you have never been before and check it out for the first time.
Make Your Own Playdough
My 4-year-old LOVES playing with Playdough. He’s fascinated by the texture and could spend hours just rolling it around. If you have a playdough lover in your home, why not take it to the next level and make your own! Below is a easy recipe using mostly things you’ll already have around the house:
Make a fort
If you were anything like me as a kid, you LOVED a good blanket fort. My favorite thing was getting the dining room chairs, putting them in the living room and draping blankets across them so we could play underneath. The best part was when we could even hang them over the entertainment center so we could watch TV in the fort. Turn making a fort into a movie night with the family. Make some popcorn, grab some pillows and have fun with it. I promise those will be memories your kids will keep forever.