It’s that time of year again. By this I mean, the time when stress runs rampant and Pinterest is threatening to overtake your life. I mean, what mom really has time to dip-dye her crescent rolls? No really…type ‘Christmas crescent rolls’ into the search box. It’s ridiculous.
Anyway…stress around this time can ruin even the best-laid plans and make a season that’s supposed to be about family and giving a season of colds and flu and depression. No fun, right?
Did you know that the health of your gut can directly impact your overall wellbeing? I’m serious. This is scientific stuff. Researchers have found a direct link between the vitality of your colon and the health of your head. Literally-depression is directly linked to how impacted your center is. You can do a quick google search and come up with hundreds of articles expressing this same sentiment; it appears that more and more researchers are coming to the same conclusion.
Now you say, that’s great Morgan, but what does it have to do with me and the holidays…? Let me tell you: I want your goal for this season to be self-awareness. And I don’t mean that in a weird, self-actualizing, “we should all do yoga together” way. I mean that as moms, it’s so easy to get caught up in all of the things that need to get done-whether it’s planning a party, gift-shopping and wrapping, kids school parties and plays, or maybe it’s the bigger stuff-a loved one is suffering or a relationship needs mending. This season could so easily fly by and leave you feeling drained and exhausted. Be self-aware this year. Act consciously no matter what you’re doing. Treat yourself with the same care that I know you’ll devote to everyone else. Take some time to eat healthfully, sit quietly, walk outside, or go Christmas shopping by yourself.
I can’t stress the ‘eat healthfully and mindfully’ part enough. If you fall into the “pumpkin spice lattes are only here once a year so I’d better get ‘em now” trap, you will be stripping your colon of any chance to help your brain get through this season in one piece (no pun intended). Indulge, yes, but also make it a point to eat better than you ever have before. Have a salad with every meal-the greens are water-containing and incredibly hydrating. Have tea sometimes. Have juice lots of times. More veggies less wine…you see where I’m going with this? Do these things, be conscious, and enjoy this season without the headaches, stomachaches, and depression that so many experience.
Happy Thanksgiving!
For more information, check out this article:
[Morgan Torres Blog Tag]