DonorNation is excited to announce that the nomination period for the second annual School Volunteer of the Year Award ends February 28! Principals and directors of San Diego County schools are invited to nominate their school’s most dedicated volunteers for a chance to be honored as DonorNation’s 2013-14 School Volunteer of the Year and win valuable cash prizes for their school.
School volunteers come in all shapes and forms. Whether they have forged key relationships with local businesses or made outstanding contributions to their school’s academics, fundraising efforts, or community outreach, we want to hear about it! A School Volunteer of the Year nominee may devote countless hours to classroom learning, promote healthy lifestyle or environmental awareness programs for students, or rally parents to get involved in fundraising events and other school functions. Regardless of what form these volunteer activities take place, there are infinite ways that these unsung heroes devote their time, energy and talents to their children’s schools. DonorNation wants to shine a well-deserved spotlight on these school volunteers and honor them for their extraordinary efforts and unheralded contributions.
“School volunteers are the invisible backbone behind a strong school system in San Diego. Without the tireless efforts of these unsung heroes, our body of schools in San Diego would crumble,” said Karim Pirani, founder and CEO of DonorNation. “Our entire community is forever indebted to this assiduous group of selflessly devoted parent volunteers. They may never seek accolades or rewards for their often unseen generosity, but we want to honor them for their invaluable service to our local schools with this year’s School Volunteer of the Year Award.”
In addition to earning the great honor of being named as DonorNation’s 2013-14 School Volunteer of the Year, the winning nominee will win valuable cash prizes for their school. The Grand Prize Winner will receive a $5,000 donation to their school, the First Runner-Up will receive a $2,500 donation to their school, and the Second Runner- Up will receive a $1,500 donation to their school, all courtesy of DonorNation. Additional prizes will be awarded at the ceremony – please click here in March for an updated list of prizes.
During the nomination phase, only principals and school directors are permitted to submit entries. Nominees must be at least 18 years old and cannot be paid for their volunteer services. If you know of an extraordinary volunteer at your school who is deserves to be recognized for his or her selfless contributions, encourage your school’s principal to submit a nomination today!
To nominate, follow these simple steps:
- Make sure your school is signed up at DonorNation by calling 858-271-7233 or visiting
- Visit before February 28, 2014.
- Fill out the nomination form, including your information, the volunteer’s role at the school, and why he or she is deserving of this award.
- Submit your nomination form online before midnight on Feb. 28, 2014.
Every day, volunteers change the lives of children, shape the face of school campuses, and help out where they are needed without complaint. It is time to recognize these selfless individuals and shine a light on all they do for San Diego’s local schools. Encourage your school principal or director to nominate a candidate today!
For more information about DonorNation or the School Volunteer of the Year Award, visit or call 858-271-7233.
About the School Volunteer of the Year Award:
DonorNation’s School Volunteer of the Year Award is open to all San Diego County preschool through grade 12 schools, both public and private. The selection process for the award consists of three distinct phases:
Nomination Phase: From Jan. 14 – Feb. 28, 2014, each principal or director of every school in San Diego County, preschool through grade 12, public and private, is invited to submit the name of one (1) nominee from their school community who has made an outstanding contribution to the school. They will need to complete a brief nomination form and explain why their nominee deserves to be recognized. Nominees will be divided into three categories based on school population. Submissions will be accepted at
Public Voting Phase: On March 10, 2014, all of the nominees will be unveiled, and then it will be up to the public to decide who should advance to the Selection Committee. Each voter will be allowed to submit one vote between March 10 and April 11. The top 10 nominees from each category who receive the most votes, for a total of 30 nominees, will advance to the next Selection Committee phase. Voting will take place at
Selection Committee Voting: The week of April 14, 2014, after the public voting phase ends, a Selection Committee consisting of prominent San Diego residents will review the field of submissions and identify a Grand Prize Winner, First Runner-up and Second Runner-up. We will be announcing the names of the Selection Committee later this month.
On April 30, 2014, the Grand Prize Winner, First Runner-up and Second Runner-up will be announced on and through other communication channels. An award presentation ceremony will shortly follow. Visit in April for information about where and when the ceremony will take place.