Conflict: teach your kids and make sure they are on track in learning what kids their age are suppose to know vs. just enjoying your babies while they are still babies.
For the last year, I have been comparing my son to other kids his age and kept worrying about his speech. He doesn’t clearly pronounce as many words as kids his age. Then it hit me the other day when a mom with a son several years older than mine said, “aw I miss the years he pronounced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the wrong way.” Why am I rushing to make sure my son properly forms sentences instead of soaking in these moments where he says “Go Pack Go” in the cutest incorrect way and I know he won’t be saying it that way for much longer.
My daughter started walking! For the last several months I would help her and try to persuade her to walk towards me while holding food. Now she is here walking and I miss those days of having a baby small enough to lie in my arms.
Yes of course we are here to educate our kids, but then we are told that time flies and to slow down. My friends also tell me to enjoy these years that my son isn’t saying “mommy” because once they start they won’t stop saying it! But even while joking I know they will miss these years once their child is no longer calling out their name for help anymore.
There are so many moments thru parenthood so far that I have experienced “the grass is always greener on the other side.” We want our children to be able to walk, talk, read, write, and be independent; but then we don’t want them to grow up.