/Getty ImagesMy co-worker Tammy lied to her grandson over the weekend. When he said he wanted Taco Bell for dinner she said there were none around, when in fact they had to go by two Taco Bells to get home! Why did she lie? Because she wanted to go to the really good mom and pop taco shop from down the street. Totally justifiable! So we asked listeners on the KSON Facebook page what little lies they told their kids that were totally justified. Here are some of our favorite responses (and ones we will be stealing):
“The only way to get my kid to brush her teeth is I tell her there are bugs in her mouth and we have to get them out!” – Carly
“Told my kids that kids weren’t allowed in Vegas, it was just for moms and dads. They were 15 before they realized it.” – Shirley
“When the ice cream truck is playing music it means they are out of ice cream” – Bree
“The tooth fairy forgot to leave money under the pillow, so I told my kids that she won’t come unless your room is clean. Now every time they lose a tooth they go clean their rooms….” – Desiree
“I used to tell the kids that there was a taco shop at the top of Cowles Mountain so they would go hiking with me!” – Armando
“Told my daughter she broke the bearings in our corvette when she took it to school and did donuts in the parking lot with 2 passengers. Made her pay for half of the repair as punishment…..the bearings were needing to be replaced before she did the donuts. I just told her the truth….20 years later” – Jane
“Blippi is on vacation. Always. He is always on vacation.” – Jordan
“When the ice cream truck was out of ice cream, it would play music.” – Rosemary
“David told my boys that fish was chicken so they would eat it they liked it until they found out it was really fish lol” – Cheryl
“I told them that Chuck E Cheese wasn’t a real place, they believed me long enough and we never had to go there!” – Melissa
“They don’t make replacement batteries for that (insert annoyingly loud toy here) toy.” – Courtney
“When my daughter was a toddler and learning to eat new veggies, I told her peas were just tiny green apples – which she already loved. I think she was into Jr High before one of her friends corrected her and she came home pissed. Parents have to do what we have to do and I KNEW she’d hear the word “pea” and think they were associated with “pee” soo….yeah. She still brings it up and she’s 24 now. #sorrynotsorry” – Claudia
“Once my kid threw a wrapper on the floor so I told him that the cops will come and seize his toys and auction them off to pay for his ticket of littering.. none of them have littered since. Also on Christmas we pick a day where we sit and sift through all there old toys and broken toys they don’t want or need and we make a “box” to send to Santa so he can repair them and regift them to other children. So they can make room for whatever gift they get on christmas.” Martha
And finally from MY mom…
“Told my son I was going bra shopping so he wouldn’t want to go.” 100% true! My poor little brother…