Mother’s Day is Sunday and if you haven’t made a dinner reservation you may be out of luck. But the real question is who do you want to spend Mother’s Day with? According to a new survey 31% of moms want to go out to dinner with their friends. Another 21% would love a date night out, minus the kids. Finally, 10% of moms would love to have dinner solo on Mother’s Day.
So mom, what do you really want to do this Mother’s Day? Do you want to spend time with your kids or have a night out with the girls? I took the question to the KSON Facebook page and got a variety of answers. The biggest takeaway, moms need a BREAK! Here are some of the responses:
I am a divorced and single mother, so I WANT to spend Mother’s day with my kids! So glad I get to. – Alicia
With my family, hands down. This year, the hubby and kiddos are throwing me an English tea party at home. In the past, we’ve gone out to do fun things. We’ve done cookouts. I can schedule a day to myself basically whenever, but Mother’s Day is about spending time with the people who made you a mom. – Jessica
I’m going out with friends Friday, doing something with my spouse Saturday, then family on Sunday. It’s a whole weekend event. XD – Charlotte
I’m a stay at home mom of 5 who can’t even use the bathroom alone. So I do crave that relaxed couple of hours that I can get away from them. But the reality of being a mom is that even when you aren’t with them, they’re all you think/worry about. There never is truly a day off. – Kim
As a Stay at Home Mom of 2 boys ….plus watching my nephew full time….i want a little time to de compress……but they are the reason I get to celebrate this day, so i also want to spend some time with them! They can bring me breakfast, gifts and flowers……then leave me alone for awhile!! Then take me to dinner or make me my favorite meal!! – Amber
Depends, are they human hurricanes that day? My kids are like sour patch kids on any given day: sour attitudes then sweet little angels. – Lisa
A break. Let me sleep in. Send me off to the spa or somewhere silent. Better yet— get me a hotel room for the night with my mom and let us laugh and eat whatever we want – KelleAnne
I’m going on a retreat with my best friend, also a mom, for 4days. We will be back with our kiddos on Sunday. Hubby’s got it. – Betty