Understatement of the year alert: Traveling with a toddler is a much different experience than traveling alone. For one, there’s the whole “You’re not really going to relax” thing. And then there’s the packing.
To the naked eye (read: the childless person), packing for a child may seem like an easy task. They’re so small, after all. What could they possibly require? Their clothes are so tiny. How much space could they possibly take up? But when you sit down and begin the dreaded task of getting all the stuff your little one needs together for a trip, it hits you: Man, this sucks!
First, you’re like, “I know what I’m going to do! I’m going to write a list!” Then, when you start writing the list, you realize that there’s way more stuff to pack than you previously thought.
Ever gone away with your kid? Then you can probably relate.
Click Here to see the 12 stages moms go through when packing for their toddlers.