Traveling with your baby on an airplane can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Breastfeeding moms can do a few simple things to help baby stay happy and also be content and
relaxed himself. I spoke with International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Donna Bruschi for expert tips on how to breastfeed with ease and confidence when you’re traveling.
Donna has helped thousands of women breastfeed — she is an advocate for all mothers. She also breastfed her own three babies — including twins — for a combined total of over 12 years. Her children are now adults, but as an IBCLC she helps new moms and babies daily. She wants moms to know their rights and feel empowered … even when they are away from home. Here are her tips on breastfeeding while traveling.
1. Know you have the right. If you already breastfeed your baby anytime and anywhere, then keep doing so. You won’t have to pack a pump, cooler, and bottles. You won’t have to bring milk through security. You won’t have to worry about spoiled milk or running out. You have everything you need to keep your baby content, for however long your journey is. Federal law protects your right to breastfeed your baby in public. This includes the airport waiting areas, on the plane (during certain times), and other public transportation areas.
2. Check with your airline. If you are uncomfortable with nursing in public, look into alternatives during your travel. Most airports have quiet areas like a lounge or meditation rooms. Some have designated breastfeeding/pumping pods. Researching online or calling your airline to find out in advance may set your mind at ease. You should always ask for alternatives to the bathroom. A bathroom stall is a terrible place to breastfeed. You should never consider it to feed your baby any more than you would eat your lunch sitting on the toilet with the door closed.