For real, guys, how is it almost Thanksgiving when I’m still recovering from Halloween? (Note to self: must ditch leftover candy!) Regardless of my own disbelief, it’s officially the season of “thanks” and “giving” (Christmas gift orders are already arriving at my door daily; I might be in denial, but I also love shopping). While I know I should be expressing my gratitude for the big things in my life — my family’s health and prosperity, our happy home, blah, blah, blah — as the mom of two little kids, ages 4 and a half and 22 months, it’s really the little things that get me through the day. Here are the 18 things I’m most grateful for this year.
- Drive-through Starbucks. Delicious, caffeinated goodness is available right on the way to my daughter’s preschool every morning, making $4 for a cup of coffee seem like quite the deal, especially when I don’t have to take anyone out of their car seats to get my fix.
- White-wine spritzers. It hydrates and dehydrates you at the same time, y’all! And, on my roughest days, I feel a lot less guilty about pouring one around 4:30. After all, it’s half water. Practically a health elixir.
- My gym. For $70 a month, I get up to two hours a day of childcare for both my kids, and you can bet I’m going to use them, even if I’m just sitting in the steam room or reading Why Not Me?. Highly recommended, by the way.
- Target. How could I not be devoted to a one-stop shop where I can get organic milk, Sauvignon Blanc, green cleaning supplies, clothes for my whole family, extra Adele tracks, diapers, and an amazing $45 hydrating serum my husband will never see a bill for? Target is everything.