There is no question that the first day of kindergarten is rough. It’s a very emotional thing for most children and their parents. The parents play a huge part in feeling seperation anxiety from their

children. None of us are amune to it, not even celebrities.
Jessica Simpson shares how she is going through it with her daughter Maxwell. Jessica posted a few cute pictures of Max on Twitter with a less than enthused caption…”Someone is excited for kindergarten! How do all you moms do it? I need help,” A tearful emoji followed. It’s okoay Jessica…it will all fall into place. This really does go to show you though how hard this can be hard for anyone. They grow up so fast and this day comes before you even know it.
Watching them grow up and spread their wings is hard enough to do, but now you also have all of these thoughts about schedules, school, bed times, sitters….ugh. It’s almost overwhewlming. Everything was in it neat, organized little place when they were home with you all day, or half day at preschool. Now there is so much more to worry about. Don’t worry, it will all work out – it always does and you are not the only one going through it.
It’s funny to think someone that consider “having it all” like Jessica Simpson experiences the same emotions and fears we do. Her daughter sure looks happy enough to be heading to kindergarten in the photo though.
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