Nothing in life is perfect and that includes relationships. Sometimes they start off like fairy tales, but somewhere along the line, what was once a dream that you wanted to last forever can suddenly turn into nightmare that you can’t wake up from. It happens and it’s not the end of the world, but unfortunately it often happens after you have kids together. You try for a while to stay together for the kids, but it doesn’t take long to realize your efforts are causing more harm than good – for the entire family. So you decide to call it quits and work out a plan for each of you to be able to spend time with your child equally. Seems like you thought of everything, drop offs, pick up’s, school, holiday visits etc. – but did you think of one of the most important things of all? How you’re going to interact and talk about your ex in front of your child from now on. This father did.
We as parents try so hard to contentiously set good examples for our children so that they grow up into smart, level headed, polite, strong adults. The one thing we sometimes forget is the unconscious behavior we exhibit when they are around. We will be so careful to not curse around them, keep them from watching inappropriate movies and television shows, yet at the same time, on a visitation pick up we will ask them, “How is that so called father of yours? Did he give you my child support check? Who the latest tramp he’s dating? What did he say about me this time?” Wow – if that doesn’t just kill all of the constructive things you do for your child I don’t know what does. That is pretty much the total opposite of setting a good example and hoping they grow into adults that are as baggage free as possible. Of course we can’t ensure that totally. Everyone has baggage, but we don’t have to add to it, traumatizing them at the same time.
This particular dad who believes he kids are important enough for him to swallow his pride states “I’m raising two little men. The example I set for how I treat their mom is going to significantly shape how they see and treat women and affect their perception of relationships,” I think even more so in my case because we are divorced. So if you aren’t modeling good relationship behavior for your kids, get your sh*t together. Rise above it and be an example. This is bigger than you.”
What a wonderful thing to do for your kids, no matter how much you think your spouse is the devil.
To read the full article on this father from…CLICK HERE.