There are a handful of different mothering and parenting styles with commonly used nicknames, like soccer mom and helicopter mom. But have you ever heard of unicorn mom?
Urban Dictionary, the online home for slang words and phrases, defines unicorn mom as: “a mother who’s not perfect, enjoys alcohol, has a sense of humor and couldn’t care less what you think.”
“I just love my new Unicorn Mom friend Bianca, she always makes me laugh,” an example sentence said.
A unicorn mom appears to be fun and carefree, while soccer moms and helicopter moms have gotten somewhat of a bad reputation over time.
Do you know any mothers or parents that could fit this description? Urban Dictionary allows users to add example definitions or sentences, so feel free to submit your definition of any word or phrase. In fact, the Urban Dictionary motto is “define your world.”
Soccer mom is defined by Urban Dictionary as: “a white middle or upper-middle class woman in her mid-20’s to mid-40’s with the following characteristics,” and then lists 10 different traits that could apply.
Example No. 2 says that a soccer mom’s “husband is a rather bland person that works as a family practice doctor, attorney, computers, selling pharmaceuticals, or other office drone.” Example No. 4 goes on to say that a soccer mom’s “favorite hobbies that don’t involve her kids usually include drinking Starbucks, shopping at Kohl’s or Old Navy, or gossiping with friends.”
Helicopter parent is a bit easier to understand, as Merriam-Wesbter defines it as: “a parent who is overly involved in the life of his or her child.”
“The mom of this local family is a helicopter parent extraordinaire who wants our kids to be friends and travel together,” a Sept. 9, 2021 example sentence said.