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With 2023 almost here, it’s time to start thinking about those New Year’s Resolutions. While we tend to make many resolutions to help ourselves, it could also be a great time to make some changes as a parent to help ourselves and our family get through the new year. Here are some resolutions for parents that could be easily achievable:
Put Down Your Phone
Now I will admit that this is the hard one for me. Part of my job is to constantly keep up with what is going on with the world and also pay attention to emails that might need to be answered immediately. This causes me to be on my phone more than I would care to admit. It got to the point where my son took my phone away because he needed a little attention. This happens to a lot of parents. In 2023, put down your phone. If you are like me and need to be on call 24/7, get an Apple Watch. I love it because I can see who is emailing or texting me and if it is something I need to address immediately. If not, I can keep playing with my kid instead of running for my phone every time it dings!
Plan Out Your Meals For a Week
I have a friend that does does this every week and I think it genius. She has a book of meals the entire family loves. Each week so takes out enough recipes from the book to make meals for the entire week, makes her shopping list and BOOM no guessing, no last minute meals, no Postmates over charging for dinner. This way everyone in the family know exactly what they are eating.
Clean Less
Hear me out on this one, how much time a week are you spending cleaning the house? Does it really all need to be done TODAY? There are so many things your family could be doing instead of making sure the front room is perfect or the kitchen is spotless. Put down the vacuum and embrace not being perfect. Your family will thank you for it.
Have Weekly Family Meetings
Between school, work, sports, music and whatever else your family has going on every week we can loss track of each other. Make a plan to check in with each other as often as possible without distractions. Maybe it’s a family game night (no phones) or just an old school family meeting, either way your family will be better for it.
Plan Adventures For the Entire Family
As a kid I always loved looking forward to family vacations. My favorite memories were playing on Pismo Beach with my mom and brother. Family vacations are all about making memories with your kids that will last forever. But if you don’t have time or the money for a big vacation, there are plenty of things to do right here in San Diego to have mini adventures with your kids. From hiking to Potato Chip Rock or watching the sea lions at Children’s Pool in La Jolla, there are plenty of ways to make memories with your kids that will last a lifetime.
Say “Yes” More
How many times have you said “no” to your kids this week? This month? As parents, we tend to say “no” more than “yes.” But what if you said “yes” a little more? There are things we obviously will always say no to, but ask yourself what are the things you could be saying “yes” to? I know parents that do a whole “Say Yes” day and let their kids plan the day. It can be scary but once again you are making memories that will last forever.
Have More Do Nothing Days
This might be contrary to everything I just said but hear me out. We tend to pack so many things in our days that it can be hard to recover. Your body and mind need days where you aren’t running all over town or trying to get a million things done at home. Plan days every once in a while just to do nothing. Let your mind reset. Binge watch TV, play video games, do whatever you need to do to decompress. This is good for you and your kids. It’s not always the best to have a plan 100% of the time. This is a good one to remember especially around the holidays.
Get Better or Worse at Taking Pictures
How many pictures do you have of that great trip you just took with the family? Just a couple or hundreds? It’s time to get better at taking pictures. It can be hard when you are trying to navigate all the kids at once, but you’re going to want those memories. Try to take at least 10 pictures at each event. However, don’t go overboard. The goal is to capture the moment without taking yourself out of it.
Make More Time for Self Care
This is for you AND your family and probably the hardest resolution for any parent to stick to. There is so much we have to do for others, that we never have time to take care of yourself. In 2023, resolve to take that time. Whether its a day at the spa, a shopping trip, maybe a night away with your significant other or just a long soak in the tub with a good book, these moments will help you come back to your family refreshed and recharged to get things started for 2023!