I know I had “pregnancy brain” last time I was pregnant, but the 2nd time around has become worse! I picture my mom saying, “You kids took my memory” as my husband has to repeat stories to me constantly and my forgetfulness has become a joke. One conversation I had this week with my husband was about how long he will take off of work when baby arrives, “Steph, you literally sat next to me as I put in the dates for my job weeks ago.” Oops, sorry honey! My husband has to deal with it the most. I better start keeping notes and lists after having conversations with him before he looses his mind over my lost mind with this “pregnancy brain.”
I looked up why pregnant women experience this forgetfulness while pregnant, and of course it went back to the pregnancy hormones. I guess I’ll take this over the other attitudes I could be having while pregnant. Will this pregnancy brain become “mommy brain” as the family grows? I’m picturing my mom’s colorful post-it notes filling her kitchen counter with random notes to herself. Lists and notes are a must for me, or else I will go insane trying to repeat everything in my head so I don’t miss anything. With calendars and note pads right in our phones these days, that should be easy right? I still like writing out my to-do lists. My husband has started to pick up that habit and agrees it’s a great feeling to have the list written out and to be able to cross things off. His lists make sense though, mine are so random now and I think I will have to start a list of “things I have already done, so stop bugging husband about it!”
Are there any habits you got into while pregnant or after having kids so you wouldn’t be so forgetful?